Some more information about what is a Responsive Web Design!


Times now and then a word or phrase keeps getting tossed up amidst the crowd. And this phenomenon has grown further with the advent of the World Wide Web. Those with dreams of topping the SERP summit keep on hearing some new terms now and then. One such term that is calling the eyes and ears of netizens is Responsive Web Design. Is it the need or just a marketing gimmick? We talked about it to the experts of Blurn who have been helping businesses around the world with their expertise around SEO, Digital Marketing, and Web Designing. Click here for more Information about Blurn to learn more about how they nourish businesses. So, what they spoke to us was revealing. We tried concentrating their wisdom into this brief but rich article below.

What is a Responsive Web Design?

To understand the cause behind this very term, we first will try to create an analogy between a website and a superhero. Imagine there is a superhero who has the ability to help anybody in the world. His goal is to help the world by presenting himself before their windows and serving them what they look for to learn more. But there is one problem. People around the world live in different sizes of homes and their windows come in different sizes. For this, the superhero has another great capability; he can change his size and adapt to the needs of the person. Supercool? The internet world is such.

People around the world surf the internet using many different sizes of devices and many different platforms. Many websites back then used to get designed as per the desktop. We call them desktop sites. But the whole thing changed a few years back. Mobiles got cheaper and the internet reached the majority. In 2016, the number of searches from mobile crossed the desktop platform for the very first time. And since then, it is growing further. However, as the majority of websites were designed for desktops, they were not loading correctly on mobile devices. People had to zoom in and in to get more Information about, Blurn says, about things. This leads to a poor user experience.

For this, Google tried to copy the mechanism of our superhero. It required websites to change size according to the platform and device it is loading upon. The website must adjust itself and align in such a way that the user does not have to zoom in and out to read things out clearly. Responsive Web Design was the answer.

Responsive Web Design is a type of web design that allows websites to change the dimensions of their various elements and present themselves clean and clear before the user. Now you do not have to zoom in and out and scroll to learn more about things you surf the internet for.

Some more information about Responsive Web Design!

But what is the need? Why would you want to spend more on it when you can get SERP rankings without it? Or can you not? Is it necessary to have a Responsive Web Design to rank higher on SERP?

It is not some novel news that Google and all other search engines now lay their focus on user experience and mobile-friendliness. Responsive Web Design had surfaced back in the year 2010, but since the past few years, it has gained much importance. Get more Information about Blurn and its web design services if you already know all about it. Otherwise here is the further information.

Now Google uses mobile-friendliness and User Experience (UX) as strong ranking factors. It does not want users to keep hopping from website to website for a single solution. It all got more crucial when mobile users exceeded the number of desktop users. And then it revealed its Core Web Vitals back in the year 2020.

Core Web Vitals are a set of few factors that could decide if a website has been designed well to offer a smooth user experience. They use several tools to learn more about the quality of a website’s design. The main of these factors are:

  • LCP – Latest Contentful Paint, which would see how fast a website loads.
  • FID – First Input Delay, which would see how long it takes between a click and showing the results before.
  • CLS – Cumulative Layout Shift, which will see if a website aligns cleanly before the user and at what pace.

If your website will not have a Responsive Web Design, it’d fail brutally on all the Core Web Vitals. This will not only hurt your SEO goals but will also create a negative image in the user’s mind. They would not want to return to your website again. So what can you do about it? Do you need a web developer for this or can you do it by yourself?

How much does Responsive Web Design cost?

A Responsive Web Design uses CSS scripts to dictate a website about how to adjust according to different devices. Companies dealing in web design and development are experts at making this happen. For example, if you load Blurn’s website to get more Information about Blurn on Google Pixel, the website will adjust automatically before your eyes. You won’t have to do the hard work. It will get done by CSS scripts. But what if you cannot afford them?

For those who cannot afford web design services, there are many website themes out there that come preloaded with responsive web design. You can purchase them. Some come as a one-time purchase and others with a year-based subscription. You can also use many website builders out there to create a responsive website. But here is the thing to learn more about when it comes to website builders.

Website builders may seem like a gift from God, but they actually slow your website down. Website Builders do not have rationality and use a set of predesigned layers to offer you your visual dreams. This leads to a heap of code. A study had found out that website builders use 4 times more coding than what web developers use. It simply slows your website down and leads to a deduction in points around Core Web Vitals. Google will always prefer a high-loading website over a slow-loading website having the same quality content.

Should you go for web design services?

If you have the budget, then surely you must go for a web design and development agency. The experts do not only serve you efficiency in codes, but they also offer you the flexibility to mold the website according to the needs around. This flexibility you do not get in a website theme. These experts also take care of any error and know where to target for the resolution. Blurn offers all the services regarding websites under one roof. Click here if you want More Information about Blurn and learn more about how it offers grace and greatness to your business.

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