5 Things You Should Do After Migrating In Australia


The great land down under is a more than ideal location to relocate to. Thousands of people migrate to Australia annually, and now the country is home to roughly eight million non-native dwellers.

Australia has some of the finest healthcare, top-tier education, a pristine environment, and quality living conditions. So, it is no question why people are flocking over. Fortunately, the country’s arms are open wide to welcome new citizens. However, even though immigration is thorough and relatively easy, especially for those with employment opportunities, settling down has its own set of challenges.

Once you have arrived in Australia, don’t put your feet up just yet. You must accomplish a few things after a successful migration, and we have gathered five of them here. Read on to know more.

Acquire A Residence

As you make Australia your home, acquiring permanent residence will be foundational in determining your quality of life as an Australian citizen. While successful immigration entails you to temporary accommodations, it is best to think long-term and prepare for a home ahead of time.

Immigration experts recommend you employ financial and mortgage professionals if you choose to purchase housing upon arrival. If you opt otherwise, numerous residences are up for rent or lease while you save up to invest in a house. In addition, most immigrants are unaware of the 100-point check system, an identification system implemented by the government that most landlords and agents use. So, familiarise yourself with this test to see if you qualify for your desired home.

When you have secured an accommodation, set up shop with utilities such as water, electricity, phone, internet, and so on. Once you have established your residence, it is time to learn the area. Make friends with your neighbors and get to know nearby professionals, services, and establishments for future reference. Immerse yourself into the community and truly live like an Australian citizen. Socialisation efforts can also open up numerous opportunities for you and make your life in Australia more enjoyable. Also, it is better to be familiar with your location as early as possible. Get to know the ins and outs of public transportation and acquaint yourself with the routes you will often pass through.

Solidify Your Identification

Validate your newfound status as an Australian citizen by securing all the necessary documents. First, experts recommend getting a tax file number, though it is not compulsory. Companies and organizations will use this code to identify you, which is uniquely yours, regardless of any possible life changes you might experience. The set of numbers will remain the same even if you change locations, work, or even leave the country.

Make an appointment at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and enjoy the benefits of having a TFN, such as paying lower taxes. It will also make you viable for other government benefits, and as a valid form of identification, all other application processes will be tremendously easier.

Once you have settled, you will also need a means of communication. Set up a phone in your residence and get an Australian sim card for your phone as well. Another card you should have is one for transport. All Australian cities have their unique plastics that will serve as your form of payment when you go on public transit. On the same topic, we also recommend that you apply for an Australian driver’s license as well for both identification and verification to drive or own a vehicle. Additionally, if you plan to work in different sectors, make sure to get the necessary certificates and licenses that are prerequisites for your chosen field.

Open A Bank Account

Make the financial aspect of your stay more efficient and convenient by applying for your own bank account. This key factor will keep you afloat and help you manage your funds and perform multiple transactions. Being a member of a bank also gives you more leverage with your money. Most even offer numerous opportunities to grow your savings.

You are entitled to a superannuation account if you are above 18 years old with a minimum monthly income of $450. This means your employer must give you 9.5% of your salary in a blocked account. You can open this deposit at the same bank as your regular account. You can then access the accumulated funds when or if you leave Australia.

For your first six weeks in Australia, banks will only require your passport for identification. However, if you elapse this time before you apply for a bank account, you will need more documentation to submit for verification, which can be more complicated. Hence, it’s best to get it done as soon as possible.

Apply for Medicare

Once you are established financially, enroll in Medicare, the country’s public health care system. Since you are already considered a citizen, you can access the multiple benefits they offer. These would include medical services, hospital treatment, and prescription medicines.

To apply for an account, all you have to do is head to the nearest Medicare center with the required documents, and they will give you a temporary number. Then, when approved and all processes are done, the government will send your card to you via post in no more than three weeks.

Get Life Insurance

Since Australia’s public and private healthcare system only covers so much, you will need to secure other areas of your life with insurance. Luckily, Australia has a vast selection of life insurance schemes to make sure your loved ones will be covered in the case of an unfortunate event.

Life insurance is a worthy investment, given you’ll be spending the rest of your life in the Great Southern Land. It will secure you and your family’s financial health in the long run. However, don’t be haste about it. You must be knowledgeable about your options and compare quotes and packages before you decide on one. So, take the smarter route and consult a financial professional to help you with your decision. You will also be at an advantage with professional advice about what to do with the rest of your money.

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