Which Types of Supports Aren’t Funded By NDIS Plan?


The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is the government’s support system for disabled Australians. Although the NDIS funds a range of disability-related supports and services, it cannot fund certain types of support in the NDIS plan.

Here are the situations wherein the NDIS cannot fund support:

Supports Not Associated with a Person’s Disability

The NDIS mainly intends to fund support services for Australians with significant and permanent disabilities. The purpose of the scheme is to help disabled people to live normal lives and perform everyday activities. Thus, the NDIS can only fund support for the participant’s disability. That also means NDIS cannot fund support unrelated to a person’s disability. NDIS receives its funds from taxpayers, so it’s vital to ensure efficient use. The NDIS is designed only to cover expenses required to help a participant manage their disability and attain their goals.

Supports Likely to Cause Damage to The Participant or Pose A Risk To Others

The NDIS plan manager makes sure the participants receive safe support and services without posing a risk of harm to themselves or others. For instance:

  • Suppose a participant requests a support worker having a history of rude behaviour or a criminal record. Here, the NDIS may not fund the support because it may pose a risk of harm to the participant or others.
  • Likewise, if a participant requests a support service, that may involve using unsafe equipment without proper testing. In this case, the NDIS may not fund the support as it may pose a risk of harm to the participant or others.

In such cases, the NDIS will work with the participant and guide them to find an alternate safe and effective solution.

The NDIS intends to provide all-inclusive support and assistance to disabled people; however, the plan doesn’t cover some support. Furthermore, certain items or services considered pricey but necessary get omitted from funding. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals and their families to cautiously consider their requirements and expectations and reach out to other support sources where required. The NDIS is a valuable resource for many Aussies living with disability, but it is crucial to know its limitations and plan accordingly.

Supports Related to Everyday Living Costs Not Related to a Participant’s Support Needs

The NDIS cannot fund supports related to an individual’s everyday living costs, which do not relate to their disability needs. For example – the NDIS cannot fund the following things:

  • Your groceries
  • Utilities like electricity, gas and internet
  • Rent
  • Your mortgage payments

Nevertheless, there are certain instances where the NDIS can fund costs related to your everyday living, which can include:

  • If you have added living costs as a result of your disability support needs, or
  • If your living costs are managed by other support plans funded in your plan, you won’t incur the cost if they weren’t included.
  • If the costs occur due to your disability needs.

Supports That Aren’t Legitimate

NDIS core principle is to promote participants’ health, well-being and safety. NDIS can’t fund the supports that are not considered legitimate under Australian law. If the NDIS funds illegal support, it would go against its legal commitment and possibly face legal consequences. Therefore, the NDIS aims to support participants who adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.

Supports that Duplicate Other Supports Funded Through NDIS

Suppose a participant obtains support from other government-funded schemes – for instance, federal or state government funding or insurance schemes. In that case, the NDIS may not fund the same support again. It is so because the NDIS is responsible for correctly and efficiently using its funding. Therefore, it cannot duplicate services that are already being provided.

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