What are the best jobs for school leavers?


Leaving school and entering the workforce can be both an exciting time filled with anticipation of what’s to come and also a confusing time with choices to be made. For school leavers not going on to university, the natural progression is to get a job, but what jobs are the best for school leavers to target?

School leavers are not expected to have had any prior experience when applying for a job, so let’s list some of the best job prospects with this in mind.

Start An Apprenticeship

One of the most popular choices for school leavers in Australia is to start an apprenticeship. There are many career options you can choose from when it comes to apprenticeships, with some of the most common being trades such as a plumber or electrician, or in hospitality, like becoming a qualified chef.

Apprenticeships involve on-the-job training, along with some time spent in a designated apprenticeship college for further education.

Just as there are numerous opportunities with apprenticeships, the same applies to a traineeship as well, which is very similar to an apprenticeship. So, something else to consider.

Apprenticeships and traineeships are definitely a top choice for school leavers who wish to embark on a stable career path.

Baristas and Bar Attendants

Generally, just a very brief course will get school leavers up to speed to apply for jobs in cafes as baristas, or working behind the bar mixing and serving drinks. Obviously, you’ll need to be over 18 to do the bar job but a barista doesn’t have such age restrictions, and making coffee can become an art form.

If you enjoy dealing with the public and mixing their favorite beverages, you’ll get a lot of satisfaction out of these job roles.

Work As a Kitchenhand

Many school leavers find entry into the workforce as kitchenhands. Your role will likely involve food preparation, general cleaning of the kitchen, as well as washing dishes and taking out the rubbish. The great thing about kitchenhand work is that the hours can vary and be flexible. There is also quite a lot of job variety and the potential to move on to other positions in the hospitality environment.

Fast Food Outlets

Fast-food chains are famous for hiring juniors and school leavers. There are a lot of options in this industry, including the places you can work and the type of work you do. Another thing to note is that there is room for advancement, such as becoming the manager of a branch. While many people don’t make a career out of working in a fast-food outlet, it can be a great starting job to earn some cash and gain some valuable work experience.

Retail and Sales Jobs

Many retail outlets are willing to give inexperienced workers a go and will even train you. The same applies to many different types of sales jobs available in Australia. Jobs in these fields can be used as stepping stones to forge lasting and rewarding careers in the sales arena. Real estate sales is an option for a sales career that can lead to an affluent future, along with learning how to invest in the property market yourself.

Assistance For School Leavers Living With a Disability

School leavers who have a disability can face some added challenges when it comes to leaving school and successfully entering the workforce. However, with Federal Government initiatives in place, there is professional support available for disabled school leavers.

School leavers living with a disability can take advantage of the School Leaver Employment Supports SLES program, designed to offer assistance to school leavers in preparing for the workforce even before their final year of school has finished. The best way to access the scheme is through a local Jobactive provider in your area.

If you have a disability and don’t want your job search efforts to be hampered by it, look into the SLES program for all the help you need.

The Wrap

If you’re leaving school with no university training and no work experience, there are still quite a few job options available to you. Spend some time thinking about what you want to do and research the options that interest you most.

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