Methods Used to Insulate Homes in Australia


When you think to start the insulation work at home you get confuse about which method will be the best. Here we will guide you about methods used to insulate home in Australia. Each material has different characteristics, and putting them into work makes them even more special. We will discuss that some materials used for home insulation can be put to work more easily, others have a faster drying time, and some, such as polyurethane foam, include even at this level the best performing skills.

Polyurethane foam

It can be applied mechanically, by spraying, with pressure, being able to reach even the most delicate areas. Polyurethane foam can be used to insulate any type of building element, because it enters the structure and then expands, thus covering the space that needs to be filled.

The area of ​​the window frames, the carpentry, the floors above the basement, the floors above the top floor or the attics, these are just some of the areas where polyurethane foam excels, if we also take into account the fact that the material can also be used to insulate technical spaces for installations, which also constitute thermal bridges.

Polyurethane foam is applied by specialized personnel, wearing a protective suit and gloves, with almost no loss of material, therefore with extremely low costs.

Mineral wool

It is most often found in stores in the form of rolls or strips of material that need to be placed on a structure or profiles. Due to the low level of elasticity, mineral wool cannot be shaped, so it is often necessary to cut and lay the strips into the shape required for the insulation, and this also results in material losses. These add to the cost of the sheets and adhesives, which can make the finished work quite expensive. In addition, the price for both options, and for basalt mineral wool, but also for glass wool is quite high, which in the end will lead to a very high cost of home insulation work.

The installation is carried out by qualified personnel, wearing a protective suit, safely, because the mineral wool must be installed correctly in order not to create gaps in the structure, which will then lead to a loss of thermal comfort.


Polystyrene is packaged in the form of panels, which are very light but require a multitude of preparations and accessories. Mesh for reinforcement, dowels, glue, all these things add to the final work, but in this case the price will not be very high because polystyrene is not an expensive material. The price also often reflects the quality of the material, so it is easy to understand that a structure insulated with polystyrene will have average thermal insulation properties.

What is the right price for home insulation in Australia?

At first glance, polyurethane foam seems to win hands down in terms of strength, durability and efficiency, and in terms of price this will reflect the level of quality it offers. Closed cell polyurethane foam will be more expensive than open cell polyurethane foam because the characteristics of the two materials are distinct. However, the polyurethane foam insulation system is affordable, at least compared to mineral wool, and the efficiency will be commensurate.

Attic insulation costs

As a conclusion, the right price is the one that covers all your comfort requirements, but also the needs of the home to be protected from heat loss. A fair price is one that amortizes over time, while the characteristics of the insulation material remain unchanged, and the thermal efficiency increases, just as it happens when you use polyurethane foam for home insulation.

The cost of polyurethane foam varies between 35$-100 $/m2 plus VAT, depending on the type of foam and the applied thickness. If we were to make a comparison with basalt wool, for a correct installation (vapor barrier, anti-condensation film, sealing strips), the cost will be 30-50$/m2, for a thickness of 20 cm. This cost is provided by one of the largest batting manufacturers and includes material plus labor.


A house insulation must ensure a multitude of requirements, starting from thermal comfort in any season and ending with operational safety, durability and protection. Polyurethane foam covers all these requirements and more. It does not allow the appearance of moisture, does not allow the development of microorganisms and fungi, will permanently maintain an optimal level of temperatures inside the home and protects the home very well from noise, being also a good sound insulator, as in the case of basalt wool.

If you have started home insulation in Sydney and nearby areas and need help or need to choose the best materials for your home, Ali Rapid Insulation is at your disposal with the most up-to-date information and will help you choose the exact type of polyurethane foam that suits your needs.

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