How To Care For Best Fake Grass in Melbourne To Extend Its Lifetime?


When compared to natural grass, artificial turf requires low maintenance. You do not need to mow, fertilize, or spend on gardening equipment. With minimum care, the Best Fake Grass Melbourne will last for longer with the same lavish green color. It won’t face the difficulties that natural lawn does. Also, it is worth for investment as it will pay itself within a few years. It is the ideal choice to install on the residential, commercial, and public use areas. It will be free from the weeds, pesticides, and diseases that occur on the plants. But it may have the risk of wear and tear when it has the high-traffic. So, preserving it based on a schedule helps to increase its lifespan. Read the below lines to know some tips to maintain the synthetic grass.

Brush The Grass Often

If you want to keep your synthetic turf looking natural, then you must brush it frequently with a broom. When you newly installed the grass, the sand infill typically takes 6-8 weeks to settle. So, in the initial periods, it is vital to brush the lawn lightly. Sweep the surface in various directions helps to keep it looking upright and bouncy. So, the grass always looks good and like real turf. You can brush the high foot traffic in a routine to prevent it properly. You can do it once a month with the synthetic bristles and avoid using the metal one. Moreover, using the fabric softeners aids to reduce immobile build-up.

Clean The Best Fake Grass Melbourne With Water

Rainfall is the best cleanser for your synthetic turf lawn. But if you reside in a drought or less rainfall area, you can make a quick spray with a hose. It helps to remove the accumulated dirt and the dried organic waste on the fake grass. You can also use the alternative to a detergent and water mix, and mist it on the surface or wash the affected area. It is an effective way to clean the stains caused by tea, fresh juices, alcohol, blood, urine, and more. Avoid using harmful chemicals which may react with the artificial lawn. To remove the grease or sunscreen, you can use these mineral spirits.

Essential Things To Be Considered When Hiring The Artificial Grass Suppliers Melbourne

Keep Weeds Away

Your artificial grass has drainage holes to wash away the spillages. Also, it is the best way the growth of weeds. To keep them away from your garden, you can use the eco-friendly weed killer twice a year to reduce them growing the grass fibers. If you only find a few weeds, then pull them with your hands. It can grow over organic materials like leaves, wastes, and more. So, clean them often to minimize their occurrence. The lawn areas that get the low foot traffic need to be treated more frequently to reduce the wild plant.

Keep The Lawn Odour-Free

If you have pets, then the bad odor can tend to linger in your fake grass. So, clean up your furry friend’s solid waste by using plastic bags or pooper scooper. Then hose down the particular area and wash them with water to prevent the bad odor. If you find any smelly patch, then use the diluted vinegar with an equal amount of water in a bucket and pour them over the grass. Also, you can use the enzyme clean to deal with the odor.

Also, use a leaf blower or rake to clean off the fallen branches, leaves, or other decaying debris that land on the fake grass. But ensure to avoid shit the sand infill in your lawn well clean the debris. It helps to maintain your garden cleanly and bring a groomed look to it.

Final Thoughts

Following the above things properly will help you to extend the Best Fake Grass Melbourne lifetime. At Auzzie turf, we provide you with high-quality artificial grass products which are easy to maintain. We also offer a fast installation service which lessens your work. Our lawns are designed to last longer and be safe for the environment.

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