Australia’s Resources: A Comprehensive Overview


Australia is a resource-rich nation that has been heavily reliant on its oil and gas supply to fuel its economy. Australia is very rich in the terms of energy. It is not only for the domestic consumption but also for the Exports to other countries. Which is a big source of foreign revenue for Australia. Energy Providers of Australia exports the energy resources to other countries in bulk like coal, LNG e.t.c. The country is the world’s 19th largest oil producer and the 10th largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Oil Supply:

Despite being a net oil exporter, Australia’s oil production has been in decline over the last two decades. The country’s oil reserves are estimated to be 1.5 billion barrels, with the majority located offshore. The largest oil fields are in Western Australia, with the North West Shelf and the Browse Basin accounting for most of the country’s oil production.

Australia’s domestic consumption of oil has remained relatively stable, with demand being met by imports from countries such as Singapore, South Korea, and Malaysia. In recent years, the country has been actively seeking to increase its domestic oil production to reduce its dependence on imports.

Government initiative to boost Domestic Oil Production:-

The Australian government has announced several initiatives aimed at boosting domestic oil production. This includes offering financial incentives for exploration, streamlining the regulatory framework, and opening up new areas for exploration. However, the high cost of oil exploration and production in Australia has made it challenging for companies to compete with cheaper sources of oil from other countries.

Gas Supply:

Australia is a major exporter of LNG, with exports to countries such as Japan, China, and South Korea. The country has significant gas reserves, with most of the production coming from the Carnarvon Basin and the Browse Basin in Western Australia.

New LNG Projects:-

The growth of Australia’s LNG industry has been driven by the development of new LNG projects, including the Gorgon, Wheatstone, and Ichthys projects. These projects have helped to boost Australia’s LNG exports, which are expected to reach 100 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) by 2020.

In addition to its LNG exports, Australia also uses natural gas to meet its domestic energy needs. The country has a well-established pipeline network that delivers gas from production areas to major cities and regional centers.

However, there have been concerns about the impact of the country’s gas exports on domestic gas prices. The Australian government has taken steps to address these concerns, including introducing a domestic gas reservation policy that requires gas producers to reserve a percentage of their production for domestic use.


Australia’s oil and gas supply plays a vital role in the country’s economy. While the country is a net exporter of oil and gas, its domestic production has been declining, and it remains heavily reliant on imports to meet its energy needs. The growth of Australia’s LNG industry has been a bright spot, with the country becoming a major exporter of LNG in recent years. However, there are concerns about the impact of these exports on domestic gas prices, which the government is seeking to address.

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